Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What a waste

I chose my OBGYN based on the fact that he delivers at St. Elizabeth's (where my son was born) and that he believes in VBACs. I wasn't that happy with him because he never really seemed to listen to what I had to say, but those things were important to me. But after my last two "appointments" I decided I could give in on the hospital.

I went in for my yearly exam and it was the usual, undress and he'll be in shortly. After over an hour of sitting in the exam room he still hadn't come in, but neither had a nurse to let me know what was going on. About 15 minutes later a lady walks in and says "Dr. Hucker can't be here today, I'm the midwife for this practice, is it ok if I do your exam?" Sure, whatever. Just wanted to get out of there.

And that brings me to the absolute final straw, I had called a couple weeks ago after I'd found out my 9th month was a waste. I told them i'd been trying for 9 months and they told me they would run some tests. (like I mentioned in my last post) My (ex doctor) is in Belleville, IL and I live in Imperial. That's a 45 minutes drive. I make that drive and pay a 20 copay. I get in there and all the jackass tells me is that I have to wait 15 months of trying before they will run tests. Why couldn't I have heard that for free over the phone? I found a new doctor later that day and I have my first appointment June 6th for a new patient consultant. If I'm not pregnant already, they said they will do an ultrasound to make sure everything is open as it should be.

We shall see what this month holds in less than 2 weeks. I got a postive OPK on Easter, and I did some checking and with my LMP my EDD would be 1-13-12 (not that I would give birth on time) but that is my son's 3rd birthday. Maybe those two things are signs? Maybe its wishful thinking? Probably more the latter, but I can't allow myself to think negatively because it won't happen if I do.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An ever changing family

I will start with a summary of how the Marsee family came to be:
Greg and I met April 14th of 2006 and one year later we were married. On Father's Day two months after we got married, we found out I was pregnant (confirmed the next day with a blood test) I was scared because I didn't think I was ready to be a mom but at my 12 week exam when I saw my baby on the screen, I was really getting excited. Unfortunately less than a week later at 12w6d (8-8-07) I started bleeding and went to the hospital. I sat in the waiting room for over an hour before they finally took me back. After some tests and an internal and external exam the doctor told me that "my baby was still there, but it was no longer alive" Once those words hit me, I don't think I stopped crying for a week. It was hard to lose something so suddenly. i went for a follow-up with my doc the next day and started bleeding very heavily and I was also in a great deal of pain. It was so bad that it soaked through all of my clothes straight through to the paper on the exam table. At that point I opted for a D&C. They took me over to St. Elizabeth's and through heavy bleeding, extremely intense pain (so bad I almost passed out on several occasions) and some bloodwork they finally got me to a room. They had to try in many different spots to get me a spot for an IV so they could give me pain meds. I don't remember much later on because I was really out of it. I remember them bringing me to a new room to wait until they could take me back, but I don't remember anything from that room until I woke up in recovery. I woke up feeling like i'd never be happy again. Little did I know all of this suffering was for a purpose. 8 months later (on our first anniversary weekend) we conceived my baby boy Ethan. This pregnancy was not without event, they sent us to the hospital at 12 weeks because they couldn't find a heartbeat or a baby at the office. They did the ultrasound and took my blood and sent us home without telling us what was going on. I called the office a few times and finally got a call back saying they were sorry for the confusion but the baby's heartbeat was 171 and everything was looking great. (Ethan was ground for 4 weeks in the future for that stunt) I was due January 4th 2009, but Ethan was having no part of it. At a week overdue I was sent to L&D for an induction. They started me on cervadil Sunday night, but it made no impact at all. They then did cydatec (totally don't no how its spell, spelling how it sounds) Monday afternoon and it made some impact but not enough. They tried cervadil again, but had to pull it after only a few hours because Ethan wasn't tolerating it. Tuesday morning they started me on Pitocin and the contractions were happening but I wasn't really feeling anything. And around noon they "broke my water" and then the contractions got intense. Fast forward 6 or 7 hours and one epidural and I was still only at 5 or so centimeters. They said I was having off the chart contractions, but that a vaginal birth wasn't going to happen. Nobody was in danger so they gave me the option of waiting another hour or two but that it wasn't going to make any difference. I thought about it, cried about it and decided that I was going to go with the c-section. at 914 PM my wonderful son was born and I started crying, I was so happy to finally have my miracle. It wasn't the way I planned, but life never is!

This blog is going to be about all the happenings within our family, the good, the bad, and the ugly! Right now our biggest news is that after 9 cycles we still have not been able to conceive.

Last July Greg and I decided we were ready to expand our family. We figured given that our first two pregnancies both only took one cycle, this time would be no different. Needless to say I was a little bummed when Aunt Flo (AF) visited me right on time. Imagine my surprise when its now April and I'm still not pregnant. I have gotten my period on time every month (except last month when it came two days early and only lasted 3) so I would assume (as confirmed by OPKs) that I am ovulating. There are a number of issues that could be the cause, but now my doctor has finally agreed to let Greg and I come in for infertility tests. We are going in the day after Easter and hopefully one of the tests they perform will be the answer. Even if the answer is that getting pregnant isn't possible, at least I will know what is going on and will be able to stop the vicious "two week wait" cycle. Its nothing but waiting, hoping, and disappointment.

Well this has been a little bit longer than I had planned, so I'll end it here for now. I'll post again when i have more news to share!