AF was due to come on Friday May 6th. And when I went to bed Friday night still a no show. Saturday night came and went still nothing, even though my test was negative I was hopeful because I knew I had ovulated a bit in my cycle (never stopped AF from showing up on time before, not sure why it did this month.) Sure enough I wake up Sunday morning to an unwelcome surprise. I think this month was a lot harder because for the first time in 10 months of trying I was actually late. I actually thought this could be my month. It just wasn't meant to be.
I have an appointment with my new doc on June 6th which is one day after AF is due next month. If for some reason it doesn't show up on time, no need to test because I will be able to confirm/deny it at the doctor. Not sure how I would feel about it though as my due date based on my LMP would be February 12th (the due date for my first pregnancy, the one that ended in miscarriage, was February 14th.) If it is meant to be, it will be, but that first trimester could be extra stressful on me.
I am taking a new approach to TTC. No more OPKs at all, its taking the fun out of it for me. And I need to take back some control. No more making my life about stupid little sticks that aren't doing a damn bit of good anyway. I will try for one year, after that I'm done and will just see what happens after that.