Monday, July 25, 2011

Doctor's visit 7/25/11

I got my ultrasound and there were a few follicles that were growing but not quite "big enough" So because I got the positive OPK he wants us to BD (baby dance for all non-TTCers) tonight just to be safe. I have another ultrasound scheduled for 1015 on Thursday and depending on that ultrasound is where the plan changes a bit. If the follicle has grown "big enough" (he'd like to see 20 mm) we will do the HCG trigger shot and then an IUI on Saturday. If the follicles have decreased, we will be a progesterone blood draw to verify ovulation and then wait to see if I get a BFP. If they've grown, but not enough I assume we scrap the cycle, but not sure as I don't want to think those negative thoughts. I did manage to lose about a pound and a half since June 14th, so that was really awesome news too. It was a mixed apppointment, but nothing bad so I still have hope.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad u are seeing Dr DeRosa. I am glad you have a blog for updates...makes it alittle easier for you and us interested in knowing your situation...THANKS!

    Prayers for a pregnancy to come soon!
